Miss Hutchison's Class Blog

Be Nice • Work Hard • Learn Well

Week 15 Highlights



Popcorn Words: This week the words look, from, and run popped in to our classroom. We practice these words during literacy centers each week!   

Math: We began unit 3 of math this week, which introduces many brand new topics to our kindergarteners. This week we had a little introduction to the following concepts: teen numbers (11-20), addition and subtraction equations (what the + and – signs represent), and number partners (two numbers that we put together to make a bigger number, like 5 and 3, which make 8). We played math games on Friday that exposed us to some of our new concepts!

Reading: This week, we began a new reading unit: Exploring Patterns. Patterns are everywhere in the books that we read! We took a look through our blue book boxes and found so many books with repeated words and sentences. We specifically looked for pattern books where there was a different word at the end of each sentence and for books where there was a different word at the beginning of each sentence. Ask your child to find patterns in the books you read at home, too! 

Writing: Our reading workshop unit (Exploring Patterns) ties directly to our new writing unit! We are learning how to write our very own pattern books for our classroom! So far, we have written a pattern book with a different word at the end of each sentence (“I ate turkey. I ate corn. I ate cake.”) and one with a different word at the beginning of each sentence (“Toys are in the store. Clothes are in the store.”)

Social Studies: We continued our “Holidays Around the World” traveling this week by visiting Italy, England, Australia, Germany, and India. We find each place on a world map, stamp our passports, then learn a bit about the holidays in that country before doing a fun craft, treat, or game. Who knows where we will go next??



Top Frog: We loved having Stuart as our Top Frog this week! Georgie will be our next Top Frog.

Mystery Reader: Brianna’s grandma came to surprise our class on Friday! She read us two books that were both super silly!! Thank you for reading to our classroom. 

Gingerbread Exchange: So far, we have received two packages with letters from other kindergarten classrooms across the country: one in Massachusetts and one in New York! We love seeing how the students decorated their gingerbread men before we add them to the big bulletin board map by our lockers! 


Bundle Up!: Just a reminder to pack your kindergartener with appropriate outdoor gear for our snowy weather. I am looking for help during the times of 11:20 a.m. and 11:50 a.m. daily for Winter Bundling.  It would require coming into school to help our Kindergarteners get ready for recess with their extra clothing and then helping them get ready for lunch.  If you are interested please email me at ahutchi@hpseagles.net. 

December Details: Please take a few moments to read this post and sign-up for our holiday party if you are able. We are still looking for help and donations for our party on the 21st! See this post for all of the details. 

Candy Cane Sale:  The annual fifth grade candy cane sale is officially here! Our fifth-grade classes will sell candy canes to help raise money for their end of year activities. This year the sale runs from Monday, December 4 through Friday, December 15. The cost for each candy cane is $1.00 and they will be delivered the same day they are ordered. Thank you for your support and happy holidays!


  • Monday, December 11 – Art
  • Tuesday, December 12 – STEAM, Library
  • Wednesday, December 13 – Kindergarten Music Program Practice (in lieu of our special for the day), Homework Due
  • Thursday, December 14 – Music, Holiday Music Program @ 6:30 pm at Fairhaven
  • Friday, December 15 – Art, Book Exchange Books due
  • Wednesday, December 20 – Grinch Day! Wear Green
  • Thursday, December 21 – Class Party @ 1:50 pm
  • Friday, December 22 – Polar Express Day! Wear PJs

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