Miss Hutchison's Class Blog

Be Nice • Work Hard • Learn Well

Week 11 Highlights



Popcorn Words – Our popcorn words this week were “am,” “are,” and “little.” We practice writing, reading, and building sentences with these popcorn words during literacy centers each week! 


Math – In math this week, we spent lots of time practicing writing numbers 6-10 in order. We’ve also been looking at patterns in simple addition and subtraction, such as 5+1, 6+1, 7+1. Additionally, we learned all about triangles this week! 


Writing – This week, we continued Writing like Scientists! We looked at lots of nonfiction books (written by scientists!) to see the ways they teach readers about something. Then, we wrote our own books, just like scientists! Your kindergartener was so proud to write their name on the “author” line. We added a new detail to each page of our books describing the given object. We wrote two books this week: one about a mini-eraser (dog, cat, apple, or star) and one about a gourd. They were so excited to bring their 2 books home to read with you!!


Reading – In reader’s workshop this week, we focused on two things: FEELINGS & FOCUS. First, we learned how to stop and think about how characters might be feeling in a story. Each student got a sticky note to stick on a part of the story where they noticed a character’s feelings. Then, they shared these findings with their reading buddies. We also are working on staying focused and reading independently during reader’s workshop each day. So far, we have made it to 8 minutes of reading!  


Social Studies: We started a new social studies unit this week: Wants & Needs. After watching a little video about wants and needs, we began by making a big chart and sorting the different things we want vs. the things we need in order to live. Then, throughout the whole week, we did multiple different coloring and sorting activities to practice recognizing the difference between wants and needs. (We WANT a tablet or a toy, but we NEED a winter coat and boots).


Winter Routines: Now that the snow has arrived, we’re learning how to take care of our winter clothing! We practiced hanging up our snow pants & coats and putting away our gloves, hats, and boots. Our kinders have been doing a great job of bundling up before recesses – on Friday it only took us 8 minutes to get ready for recess! 🙂  


Top Frog – We loved having Nathan as our Top Frog this week. Next week’s top frog is Kendrick! Your child will have a chance to be our top frog soon, too. 

Mystery Reader: On Wednesday, Colton’s grandma surprised our class as our mystery reader! She read two books to us, and she even brought a copy of Wacky Wednesday for our class to keep. Thanks for reading to our class! 

Notes for Parents:

  • Our Thanksgiving Centers will be held on Tuesday, November 20 from 2-3 pm. Interested in helping lead a center? Please follow this link to sign up! 
  • Our Stone Soup day will be this Friday, November 16. We will be making stone soup as a class. A note will be coming home with your kindergartener later this week with more details about what to send in for our soup-making morning!  
  • Thank you so much for coming to Parent-Teacher Conferences last week. It was so wonderful to get to share your child’s progress with you! I truly LOVE my job and I feel so lucky to get to teach your child every day. 🙂  

Upcoming Dates:

  • Monday, November 12 – P.E.
  • Tuesday, November 13 – Art, Library
  • Wednesday, November 14 – STEAM
  • Thursday, November 15 – Music
  • Friday, November 16 – P.E., Stone Soup day (send vegetable in a plastic baggie).
  • Tuesday, November 20 – Thanksgiving Centers 2-3 pm

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