Miss Hutchison's Class Blog

Be Nice • Work Hard • Learn Well

Beach Day Pictures


Your child will be coming home with a FULL folder and backpack today and tomorrow! Please empty their backpack each day so we can make sure they have room to bring everything home from school. Thank you!

We had a fun-filled beach day today! Here are some pictures from our beach day:

We made our own “Summer Bucket Lists.”

We ate a goldfish snack outside on our beach towels!

We read outside on our beach towels (this is one of Miss Hutchison’s favorite thing to do in the summer;  read outside!)

For the “D” in our First Grade Countdown, we had a dance party before lunch. 

We did our class awards this afternoon. It was so special to see the students cheer each other on for their special awards. This really is an amazing bunch of kids!! Then, first graders got to open an end-of-the-year gift from Miss Hutchison – a book!

We created a SUMMER LEARNING FOLDER with their red folders! This will be coming home tomorrow, and it has lots of resources for continued learning in the summer. 🙂 

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